Positivity is a
democratic company
where every member gets an equal vote to decide what we do

Positivity's first product is coming soon...
Wonder: An art app for your new tab page

Our Principles

Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. We believe that the Web has had an enormous positive impact on the world.(Photo by CERN)

Positive Impact

Our mission is to make as big a positive impact on the world as we can.

We hope to create and sell products and services that benefit people, animals, and the environment.


We intend to build products and services that are harmless to people, animals, and the environment.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi leading nonviolent resistance to British rule. His nonviolent movement helped win India's independence.

Ancient Athens is recognized as the world's first democracy. Athens practiced direct democracy as far back as the 6th century BCE.

Direct Democracy

Positivity is run as a direct democracy. We resolve to use technology to give every member the ability to:

1. Propose any idea directly to the entire organization.

2. Vote directly on any proposal.

Equal Rights

We intend to treat every member of Positivity as equally important.

Every member has equal rights, and every member's vote has equal weight.

Martin Luther King Jr. leading the black civil rights movement. He shared his dream that "all of God's children" would enjoy equal rights.

Annie Kenney and Christabel Pankhurst, two leaders of the British movement to include women in the political process.


We aspire to grant membership to everyone who would like to be a member.

Personal Freedom

Our goal is to give every member of Positivity the freedom to choose how they would like to help make a positive impact.

France gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States of America to honor freedom and democracy after the USA abolished slavery.

Contact Us

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Email is only required if you would like a response.

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